Whoever said, “A few bad apples can bring the whole place down” knew what they were talking about. Here’s one story that certainly reinforces the that notion. According to The Boston Globe, 20 Massachuetts State Troopers are being investigated for theft of overtime pay. Reporters Mark Arsenault, Travis Andersen, and Shelley Murphy write: “In another black […]
Author Archive: PubSecAlliance
PubSecAlliance is a growing online community of union and association leaders from groups representing sworn personnel in law enforcement agencies in the U.S., Canada and around the world. It is not a formal organization. There is no president or board of directors. Our mission is simply to provide a space for you to communicate with your colleagues about your most pressing concerns, while informing you about the issues that matter to you most.
NYPD officers to get LAPD training
After the tragic and accidental death of a New York man after the application of a neck restraint, New York City Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said the death of a 43-year-old Staten Island man who may have been placed in a chokehold by a police officer last week would probably spark a federal review […]
Perpetrating a fraud
George Will is that joyless nerd you see on television news shows that wears bow ties and makes a living talking about “the good old days.” Will, like most media personalities in our culture, is not a journalist but rather a propagandist with a very specific agenda. Will, whose column has been dropped by more […]
Do we even matter?
In East Haven, Connecticut, even though the Town Council decided last week to table a vote on whether to bond $1.2 million for a new civilian dispatch center until next month, some members are steamed to have learned that equipment has already arrived and training has already begun. “The question is, I don’t know where […]
My way or else
Officials with the San Antonio Police Officer’s Association Thursday said City Manager Sheryl Sculley threatened to lay-off more than 50 public safety employees in a meeting last week. “Let me be very specific- there was absolute clarity in which she said they were going to have layoffs,” said POA president Michael Helle. “(The question) was […]
Don’t be a sucker
Warren Buffet is rich and you’re not. Therefore it makes sense to listen to him when he’s handing out free investment advice. Buffet’s no dummy. He knows that people that fall for empty promises of huge returns are suckers. That’s why he says individuals, corporations, and yes – pension funds should play it safe if […]
Down with Facebook
We are frequently besieged with requests from law enforcement leaders for information that will encourage people to avoid, or at least think clearly about, the use of so-called social media like Facebook. As any employer or association leader is painfully aware, police officers and association members can frequently be their own worst enemy when they […]
Scott gets his payback
Over the past few years, private prison firm GEO Group has become known for inmate abuse, workplace violence, and fraudulent reporting at its U.S. facilities. That will not stop Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) from headling a $10,000-per-person VIP fundraiser at the home of GEO Group Chief Executive Officer George Zoley. Attendees can also attend […]
City wants overbilling attorneys
In Nevada, after a contentious meeting marked by ugly bickering, the Reno City Council voted 4-3 to give the City Attorney’s office the power to hire back an outside labor lawyer to continue labor negotiations with the city’s public employee unions, approving a new $300,000 contract. The move reversed a vote last month in which […]
Epic corruption at huge fund
Fred Buenrostro, a former CEO of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), plead guilty in federal court last week to conspiracy to commit bribery and fraud. Buenrostro was the CEO of CalPERs from 2002 to 2008 and admitted to engaging in numerous corrupt and illegal activities while managing the second largest pension fund in […]
Chief surprised by lawsuit
With contract negotiations between the town and New Canaan, Connecticut Police Union Local 1575 already having dragged out for over a year — and no agreement in sight — the already sluggish progress now faces another fly in the ointment. The union filed a complaint with the Connecticut Labor Department’s Board of Labor Relations accusing […]
Make sure they know
When a citizen gets a phone call from someone claiming to be raising money for charity for a police association the odds are extremely high that it’s a scam. Little old ladies are pretty quick to pull out their checkbooks and credit cards when someone asks for a donation to help the families of officers […]
What about the victims and their families?
A federal judge has ruled that California’s death penalty system is so broken it is unconstitutional. The ruling is a huge blow to death penalty advocates. U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney said in his order that delays of two decades or more in resolving appeals and carrying out only a few executions have created […]
LAPD union wants citizens to call City Hall
Police union produces video to educate public what low pay and no raises will do to a once proud police department Alarmed at the continued decline of real wages endured by Los Angeles police officers, the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) – the union representing all sworn personnel in the LAPD up through the […]
Off-duty work ban slammed as PR stunt
The Miami Beach Police Department has suspended its policy of allowing officers to work off-duty security jobs at nightclubs in the city. The move comes a day after Sgt. Mike Muley was fired after he was found to be intoxicated while working off-duty at Mango’s Tropical Cafe on Ocean Drive. Police Chief Daniel Oates made […]
Beware those bearing gifts
In Lexington, Kentucky, the city’s police association has not yet decided if it will take advantage of a change Mayor Jim Gray made last week that will allow police officers to use police cruisers for personal use at no cost. Gray made the change by executive order recently after a week of back-and-forth between the […]
CLEAT: for us, by us
One of the things that separates the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas from the rest of the pack is the fact that CLEAT was the first union to conduct training in Texas. CLEAT was the first to hire on-staff attorneys that work only for the members. CLEAT attorneys were the first to be onsite […]
Cops as political props
A Florida Police Assciation official filed a complaint today with the Florida Elections Commission, accusing Gov. Rick Scott of illegally coercing on-duty police officers to attend a campaign event in Tampa on Monday. The complaint was filed by Jeff Marano of the Florida Police Benevolent Association, a union supporting Scott’s leading Democratic challenger, Charlie Crist. […]
Lying liar lies about lying and lies about it poorly
We’ve got a great story about Florida governor Rick Scott using cops as props at a political event. That’s actually illegal in Florida but we doubt Scott’s shaking in his $600 loafers. Anyway, CNN’s Anderson Cooper couldn’t help notice the difficulty the gov. had when reporters asked him about the kerfuffle. Click the link below […]
Three cop monte’
It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book. A mayor seeking to significantly cut police pay tells residents that they won’t see any fewer cops on the street as the result of the cuts. Of course there will be far fewer crimes solved because the cuts, promises the mayor, target those useless cops sitting […]
Minimum wage for officers?
If you read the paper from time to time, you may have heard something about forward-thinking cities like Seattle raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour. So what does that have to do with police officers and the associations that represent their interests? The answer is simple – if the national minimum wage was […]
Fired cops sue union
Two former Albuquerque police officers fired for kicking a man during a 2011 arrest are now suing the police union. The lawsuit filed against the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association includes claims of breach of contract, tortious interference, civil conspiracy and breaches of fiduciary duties. A surveillance video showed Robert Woolever and his partner, John Doyle, […]
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