Whoever said, “A few bad apples can bring the whole place down” knew what they were talking about. Here’s one story that certainly reinforces the that notion. According to The Boston Globe, 20 Massachuetts State Troopers are being investigated for theft of overtime pay. Reporters Mark Arsenault, Travis Andersen, and Shelley Murphy write: “In another black […]
Author Archive: PubSecAlliance
PubSecAlliance is a growing online community of union and association leaders from groups representing sworn personnel in law enforcement agencies in the U.S., Canada and around the world. It is not a formal organization. There is no president or board of directors. Our mission is simply to provide a space for you to communicate with your colleagues about your most pressing concerns, while informing you about the issues that matter to you most.
She’s a liar!
The expected battle between the San Antonio Police Officers Association and the City of San Antonio has begun, with the SAPOA running super hard ball radio commercials blasting City Manager Sheryl Sculley by name as a liar who can’t be trusted,’ Newsradio 1200 WOAI reports. The ads, which began running on WOAI Radio on Wednesday, […]
Thank God it’s not us – yet.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Governor-Scott-Walker-Sucks/141078242621192 The Wisconsin Supreme Court has upheld the 2011 law that effectively ended collective bargaining for most public workers, sparked massive protests and led to Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s recall election and rise to national prominence. Thursday’s 5-2 ruling is a victory for Walker, who is considering a 2016 run for president and is seeking […]
Does this ad work?
As any labor leader worth his or her salt will tell you, messaging – otherwise known as political advertising – is a critical aspect of the battle for hearts and minds. The question is what works best and why. One of the considerations for any organization seeking to raise awareness about a legislative proposal, public […]
Propaganda 101
You gotta love the cajones on this guy. Check out the “letter to the editor” from this dude in San Antonio that has a beef with the local police association and all the other public employee unions. Notice the way he manages to paint advocacy and activity as some kind of unethical dirty dealing. From […]
Police union turns to tough tactics
This one minute radio spot goes after the city manager who threatened to lay off cops if they didn’t agree to pay and pension cuts and then denied it. This advertisement sets the record straight. Check it out.
Reversal of fortune
It’s pretty shocking just how fast things can change. Just 10 years ago Colorado law enforcement agencies were aggressively pursuing marijuana enforcement. That made sense because a lot of the funds available to local law enforcement from the federal government were based on drug enforcement metrics. But man how times have changed. Articles about local […]
This is huge
A five-member panel that handles labor complaints at Los Angeles City Hall handed a stinging defeat to the city’s political leaders on Monday, voting to strike down Los Angeles’ bid to rein in retirement costs for civilian employees. The Employee Relations Board voted unanimously Monday to order the City Council to rescind a 2012 law […]
Mayor cries poor
In Missouri, after weeks of public discussions over a request to add ten officers to the Springfield Police Department, the union that represents the department announced it will launch a “campaign initiative.” “We need you, your families and your friends to begin spreading the word in a very vocal manner,” the Springfield Police Officers Association […]
District Attorney sells out cops. POA goes on offensive
In a scathing email to 1,500 active-duty and retired officers, the president of San Jose’s police union took the unusual step of publicly casting off one of its traditional crime-fighting allies — District Attorney Jeff Rosen — saying the group will no longer run the prosecutor’s monthly column in its magazine and will try to […]
City blasts cops’ sick-in. “They will pay for this!”
In Canada, the City of Montreal will bill Montreal’s police union for the overtime officers worked Saturday to replace 100 colleagues who simultaneously called in sick to protest pension reforms. Mayor Denis Coderre called the protest action “irresponsible” and said the officers involved would lose a sick day as a result. “You don’t play with […]
Won’t get fooled again! Outsourcing plan goes down!
Good news gang. In California, a plan to ask Orange County voters to consider outsourcing county jobs to private contractors fell flat recently when three supervisors abstained from voting on the issue. Supervisor John Moorlach proposed managed outsourcing – as a way to lower the county’s unfunded pension liability – by reducing government workers and […]
Now that’s how you sell an argument
There’s no question who’s been winning the “debate” on gun control laws in the USA over the last decade. One of the ways groups like the NRA have achieved so much political influence and power is the effectiveness of their advertising and messaging. Below is a very effective spot for the National Rifle Association. The […]
A reputation tarnished
A Dallas police lieutenant says Chief David Brown tarnished his reputation, unfairly moved him out of the training academy and basically labeled him a racist. Lt. Dale Barnard, a 27-year department veteran who coordinated the program that teaches recruits how to administer field sobriety tests, is one of several academy instructors to file grievances after […]
It’s the cops’ fault – obviously
Are cops police officers or doctors and nurses? Most people would say cops are cops and that they’re not trained to administer emergency medical aid outside of certain situations. But that’s where departmental policy, public ignorance and critical incidents converge. “Why didn’t that lazy cop help that poor woman,” you’ll hear civilians ask. The answer […]
Fire sale on cops
If you’re a police recruiter, you already know that the best way to find personnel is just to look where cops are the unhappiest. In Memphis, Tennessee, cops are unhappy because like a lot of cities, Memphis has decided police officers have had it too good for too long and are cutting pay and benefits […]
DB plans get knife in the heart
People living longer bad news for pensions The measured value of liabilities for most defined benefit plans will increase between 3% and 8% with the adoption of new mortality tables, said a report from Wilshire Consulting. As they say, longer lives means way higher costs. According to the website Pensions & Investments, the tables, released […]
Starring “The Rock”
This is how you sell an argument. Chris Christie’s new “pension reform” video looks like someone spent a ton of money on it. If there’s one area where labor unions could use a little improvement, it’s probably the willingness to spend big in order to produce effective advertising. There are plenty of videos featuring the […]
Party line vote
For the second time in less than a month, the Fort Wayne, Indiana City Council has decided to override a mayoral veto affecting government unions. On Tuesday, the council voted 6-3 along party lines to keep a right-to-work ordinance for police officers and firefighters. Last week, Mayor Tom Henry vetoed the ordinance, which allows firefighters […]
The tape doesn’t lie
Video and photo evidence of an arrest at a gay pride event under investigation by the city appears to corroborate the officer’s account, the Pittsburgh police union attorney said on Friday. Bryan Campbell said he and Officer Souroth Chatterji spent three hours on Thursday night meeting with employees of the Office of Municipal Investigations to […]
Reverse Robin Hood: Screw workers, help billionaires
As U.S. states and cities grapple with budget and pension shortfalls, many are slashing public employee pension benefits and public services while diverting that money into lucrative subsidies for professional sports teams. Detroit on Monday made itself the most prominent example of this trend. Officials in the financially devastated city announced that current and future […]
Chiefs rip politicos on gun law
Top police officials and activists from Boston and area communities blasted the state Senate Tuesday for watering down gun control legislation by stripping a provision aimed at keeping rifles and shotguns out of the hands of dangerous people. “I’m real disappointed in the Senate,” said Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans, standing with more than […]
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