Police website calls for privatizing your job

Should professional law enforcement officers really be teaming up with the private security guard crowd?
Hey with friends like this who needs enemies. On a recent posting on Policeone.com, a popular law enforcement website, the editor-in-chief, posts a 1400 word article promoting the advantages of teaming up with private security guards in your city or town.
The article has extensive quotes on how sworn professional law enforcement officers can team up with security guards from a man named Andre Queen, a former deputy chief with the Illinois Auxiliary Police Reserve and currently the president of a Chicago-based private security company that was not named. The writer claims that for cops not to tap into information “from private security personnel is like leaving money on the table.”
Here’s our favorite quote from Andre Queen:
“If you’re careful and strategic about the partnerships you build, you will gain access to individuals who are trained observers, you will have the opportunity to tap into vast amounts of information and databases kept by private security companies, and you will have engaged community stakeholders is the basic functions of community policing and directed criminal interdiction.”
Since there is a well funded effort in the U.S., Canada and elsewhere to privatize your jobs and turn sworn, highly trained, well paid law enforcement officers into security guards making minimum wage, this sounds like a really bad idea to us. But read the article and see what you think. Please leave comments below. Better yet, leave your thoughts on Policeone.com too.