Police Association President blasts high crime and lack of funds on Facebook.

Facebook, and social media in general, is a cheap and easy way for police association leaders to message and raise awareness but it’s also a way that their opponents can twist and turn their words against them.
If you want to get some attention Facebook is the way to go because people frequently spend about half the time they’re supposed to be on the clock on FB. But you can use that advantage to get your message out. The head of the Memphis Police Association, Michael Williams, recently took to Facebook to vent frustration with recent crimes and what he calls a lack of support from the city. “There were five shootings last night, three stabbings and a murder,” Williams said. “On Mothers’ Day there were ten homicides in one day. I’ve never heard of that, and I’ve been on this department for 16 years.” The flip-side of that coiun is that whatever you post can be used against you. Some, like Memphis City Council Chairman Jim Strickland, said Williams may be hurting the very people he is meant to stand up for.
“It does concern me a little bit that the union is complaining about the high crime rate and in sort of a way, blaming the officers they’re supposed to be representing,” Strickland said.