PBS to air film attacking unions
John Arnold, a former Enron billionaire is secretly funding a show on a PBS affiliate to keep the wheels greased for “Operation Kill the Unions and Take the Pension Funds.”
According to reporter Matt Tiabbi in a breakthrough article in The Rolling Stone – the well financed effort to kill the unions – both private and public sector – has been the slowest and most sophisticated stick-up ever.
Taibbi describes John Arnold this way: “He’s a lipless, eager little jerk with the jug-eared face of a Division III women’s basketball coach, exactly what you’d expect a former Enron commodities trader to look like. Anyone who has seen the Oscar-winning documentary, “The Smartest Guys in the Room,” and remembers those tapes of Enron traders cackling about rigging energy prices on “Grandma Millie” and jamming electricity rates “right up her ass for f&%^ing $250 a megawatt hour,” will have a sense of exactly what Arnold’s work environment was like.
That’s the vision these people have for your work environment and if we don’t come together and stop them, that will be our future.
Read more about the PBS show and find a way to let these people know how you feel about this kind of propaganda being aired on public television.