Pastors don’t like union billboards
Earlier this year, several Memphis Police Association billboards went up asking the question about how much Memphis cares about safety. The billboards were a response to cuts made to the Memphis PD budget.
“We feel these billboards will hurt the city,” noted Civil Rights Activist Wendol Lee. He says the message, “This city does not support public safety. Danger. Enter at your own risk,” is a message the city doesn’t need.
The head of the police union, Mike Williams, said, “Most of the citizens I talked to support the police and support the billboards.” He added that the billboards point out other things the city is funding instead of police safety and more billboards are on the way.
Billboards have been used by unions for decades to bring pressure on elected officials. But they do not work in every situation and the union should have a strategic plan that combines the use of the billboard with other political pressure tactics. The union must define what constitutes a “win,” and be willing to compromise at the right time. If the billboard does not create any backlash it is too mild. If it creates too much backlash the members will demand the union take it down.
What is your opinion of the billboard effort? Has your association done something similar in your city, state or town? If so, tell us about it below.
– Ron DeLord, Police Labor Consultant & Author