Our pensions are not an “entitlement,” accurate term is “deferred” salary

For those of us who are willing to work weekends, work while our friends and family are home asleep, and who are willing to risk our own safety to protect a complete stranger or their property, the suggestion that there is something insidious about public servants being provided with a pension is simply offensive. – Jacky Parks, President, Fresno Police Officers Association. Jacky is pictured above with former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
This is a well written and must read opinion piece by Jacky Parks, president of the Fresno Police Officers Association educating the public as to the impact of the “Reed Amendment” that would eliminate the state constitutional guarantee protecting vested pension rights. It is critical that public employee unions stay engaged in a public education campaign and stop allowing the anti-pension crowd define the message. – Ron DeLord
From the article:
Suddenly, police officers and firefighters are being scapegoated for the financial challenges facing some Central Valley communities even though the average public employee pension in California’s Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) is $26,000 per year, with more than half receiving less than $19,000 annually.
Along with that criticism comes an undercurrent that taxpayers should be offended by these benefits. For those of us who are willing to work weekends, work while our friends and family are home asleep, and who are willing to risk our own safety to protect a complete stranger or their property, the suggestion that there is something insidious about public servants being provided with a pension is simply offensive.
Fresno police officers are public employees whose pensions are simply deferred salary that is essential for public employers to recruit and retain qualified, trained and experienced public employees. Fresno police officers will receive multiple injuries throughout their career, and some have or will make the ultimate sacrifice of never returning home to their families.
Please read the rest of this essay. Very important that you do.