Lies, lies, and more lies
It seems like every news report on pay and benefits for law enforcement and other public sector employees is making the case that there have to be severe cuts in benefits and pensions to avoid being the next Detroit.
This claim is just not true and everyone needs to fight back when they read this stuff. Read this news article about statements made by SAn Antonio City Manager Sheryl Sculley in a report to the city. Then look at some of the comments from San Antonio union officials and members. When you see this BS surfacing speak out. Would love to hear if you are reading commentary like this in your town. The San Antonio POA is a member of CLEAT – the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas. Leave your comments below.
Some comments on the article . . .
From Jerry Clancy . . .
Not true. San Antonio fire fighters and police officers fund their health care and retirement while employed. Ms Sculley shouts to the world that San Antonio has AAA bond ratings from all three major bond companies. That’s because fire and police pensions and health care are funded and they have no legacy costs. As far as Detroit’s problems go – the Republicans started the white flight and used all the workers investments for their own retirement and golden parachutes. They are now living in the country being chauffeured into Detroit for the Lions, Pistons and Tigers games.
From Teddy Stewart . . .
Sculley intentionally mislead, or lied to the Council and you can bet she has a reason. Public safety officers in San Antonio are the reason she can brag about the city bond rating. Let’s hope that those in a position to do so will make sure the public understands what the police officers of San Antonio have done to make this city what it is today.