Just the facts ma’am
Michael B. Campbell, President of Baltimore Fire Officers Local 964makes an impassioned plea to the city to respect the contract.
To the editor:
I was not surprised to read the view of The Sun’s editorial board in “End the pension fight” (Aug. 8), but your facts are incorrect. The police and fire unions made a proposal in September of 2009 regarding the fire and police pension plan. While the unions were negotiating with members of the City Council to seek those changes, the mayor’s folks were crafting Ordinance 10-0306, which took effect in June 2010. While in litigation we made a settlement offer to Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake in January of 2013 with regard to Ordinance 10-0306. Eighteen months later, we have yet to receive a response. In my opinion we have made an effort to arrive at an agreed upon solution/settlement, but what we will not do is settle for pennies on the dollar!