Just say “NO”- to the police
Police culture changes much slower than the larger culture within which it operates. But as Bob Dylan once wrote, “The times they are a’ changing.” Traditionally police have perceived liberals and left-wingers to be more or less their ideological enemies. That dynamic has been in place for generations – for the most part cops don’t vote Democrat and generally align themselves with conservatives, usually Republicans. Well all that’s changing right underneath your feet.
The current attacks not just on cops’ wages and benefits, but on the very idea that we need cops in the first place, are not coming from the left or being funded by George Soros. This is more like “friendly fire.”
Just one example is the fact that the Iowa Republican Party is warning Iowans not to be cooperative with police and to “know their rights.”
If you want to know just how deep the current anti-government sentiment is among political activists consider this. A message posted on the party website cautions “Constitutional activists” that central Iowa police were planning traffic safety checkpoints in Polk County.
“The Iowa GOP strongly urges you NOT to give in to any illegal searches of your car,” party officials said in the post. “Only comply by providing your license, registration and insurance if requested.”
Additionally state Republican leaders tell Iowans to videotape or audio record police officers. Here’s the kicker – they also say once you’ve got cops misbehaving on tape, you should send the material to party headquarters.
Iowans shouldn’t allow a search of their vehicle for any reason, the message says.
So much for the party of law and order apparently.
Because of Iowa’s small population, the state has less than half the residents of New York City, many of the political activists there are hardcore conservatives who believe government should strictly adhere to the U.S. Constitution. And targeting police for selective acts of disobedience to express one’s political opinions is rapidly becoming a common occurrence.