Huge win for City police unions

All the leaders of the five NYPD police unions were happy the Legislature passed the bill. Pat Lynch (pictured above), president of the 25,000 plus member PBA said the new law would improve morale.
In the end-of-session crush of last-minute actions, the New York State legislature quietly passed a bill that would make disciplinary procedures involving all police agencies, including the NYPD, subject to contract negotiations. The measure, backed by law enforcement officer unions across the state, was strongly opposed by the state Conference of Mayors and the Association of Towns, which filed letters of opposition with the Legislature.
NYPD PBA President Patrick Lynch said it would boost morale for cops.
“This law will allow us to work with the NYPD to ensure that our members are treated fairly and with respect,” Lynch said. “If it becomes law, it will be another step in rebuilding the morale of a dispirited police department.”