Court ruling endangers cops
Steve James, president of the Long Beach Police Officers Association was quick to respond to the disastrous decision handed down from the California Supreme Court recently that the release of names of officers involved in critical incidents should be permitted.
“It is unfortunate that the majority of the Court does not recognize the safety concerns created for officers and their families involved in critical incidents when their names are released publicly,” James noted. “It is the uncomfortable truth that releasing an officer’s name endangers the officer and their families. In the Internet age, it is a fact that releasing an officer’s name is tantamount to releasing all of their personal information.”
James went on to note that retribution against public safety personnel and other risks associated with the public release of an officer’s personal information is a real and existing danger.
“Justice Chin does an outstanding job of detailing in his dissenting opinion,” James added.
“Police officers and other public safety personnel already face a wide range of risks. It is unfair and unconscionable that we should add the safety of their families and homes to that list as well. Unfortunately, it may take the injury or death of an officer or a member of their family before legislation corrects the court’s misguided opinion. We will work actively and diligently to eliminate this risk through legislative action before that tragedy occurs.”