He’s Back!

Former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed is back—and determined to steal your pension.
You can’t keep these creeps down. No matter how many times the voters defeat their plans (in this case an aggressive attempt to slash pensions for all public employees in California), they just keep coming back.
This time it’s former San Diego Councilman Carl DeMaio and former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed who have come back from defeat after defeat to sponsor a measure on the November ballot that would require voter approval for any defined benefit for new hires and pension increases for existing workers. It also says voters would have to allow the government to cut pensions or contribute more than half of an employee’s retirement costs.
The measure would extend to state, county, and city employees in California, as well as public universities and other local boards and agencies.
“We’re not making the decision on what type of plan will be implemented,” DeMaio said. “We’re simply saying, going forward, voters will have a seat at the table.”
“This is yet another destined-to-fail attempt to eliminate the retirement security of law enforcement officers, teachers, firefighters, school bus drivers and other public employees they have earned and agreed to in good faith at the bargaining table,” said Dave Low, chairman of Californians for Retirement Security, a group representing 1.6 million public employees and retirees.