Chris Christie’s Hidden Millions

Gov. Chris Christie’s administration paid more than double the fees to Prudential Financial that were previously disclosed.
The bad news just keeps on coming for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
It turns out New Jersey rules require that the Christie’s administration cancel investment contracts with firms whose officials raise or donate money to the governor’s political campaigns. But his administration has paid more than $16 million in pension fees to the financial firm that was led by Christie’s chief fundraiser and top donor, Jon Hanson.
The union representing New Jersey State Troopers, led by President Chris Burgos, has been aggressively exposing the illegal activities of Christie and his cohorts. The State Troopers Fraternal Association of New Jersey, has led the effort to force the Governor to fund the state’s pension plan for its workers, something he decided unilaterally he would not do despite a constitutional mandate that he fund the pension. New Jersey troopers will be squaring off against the Governor in court over the matter on May 6.
According to the website Raw Story, money from the Christie administration—far more than previously disclosed—flowed to Hanson’s company, Prudential Financial, and its related funds that the state pension system has invested in.
The new information, obtained through an open records request by the International Business Times, comes as the Christie administration is facing a government investigation into whether it has fully disclosed all fees paid to financial firms—some of whose executives have made donations to GOP groups backing Christie.