Celebrating a 8.55% percent pay hike

OPPA President Jim Christie was thrilled to tell his members they could celebrate the New Year with a 8.33% pay hike.
You could hear the enthusiasm in Jim Christie’s voice as he announced to his members that they would be getting a raise of 8.55 percent in their next paycheck. Both civilian and sworn OPPA employees will start receiving the increase beginning with the pay period than ends on January 16. The pay hike will be retroactive back to January 1.
Christie, the president of the Ontario Provincial Police Association (OPPA), said the pay hike comes after a two year pay freeze the association voluntarily agreed to as a way to help easy the financial strain plaguing the Province and the 344 cities and towns the agency serves.
“As the only police service who works directly for the Province of Ontario, we have done our part to assist the Government with their 2010 strategy on cost containment, “ Christie noted. “In fact we were the first employee association to do so.”
This milestone achieved, OPPA leaders are now busy preparing for upcoming negotiations over benefits scheduled to begin at the end of 2014 or early 2015.
The OPPA is a founding member of PubSecAlliance. Check them out on PubSecAlliance.