Both Sides Agree: You’re the Problem!
Many federal employees are banned from joining unions.
Union membership in the private sector just fell below six percent of the workforce.
Tens of thousands of cops across the country have been laid off or quit because they couldn’t make ends meet on a police officer’s wages.
Big business and the wealthy will never be perceived as fat cats that don’t pay their fair share like the rest of us.
That’s the whole idea of the corporate media—rich people pay other rich people to tell middle class people to blame other middle class people and poor people. If it wasn’t so damaging, it might be amusing.
So let’s all sit back and watch the misinformation machine in high gear as a bunch of millionaire hustlers gleefully attack the working man and call for the destruction of any group (read: your local or national police association) that would try and get cops a decent deal at the bargaining table.
Needless to say, it’s not that hard to understand why some officials could care less about shutting down the Department of Homeland Security. They see it as a jobs program. And on that one score they may have a point.
But to watch a rich nerd like Steve Forbes slam people that actually work for a living is enough to make one throw a beer at the TV.
Of course the irony here is that FOX is frequently where police officials appear to get the “real story” out there. Obviously those interviews never have anything to do with wages and benefits.