Cops in unions earn more

The current annual entry-level salary for San Francisco PD cops is: $88,842 to $112,164. Do you think they would be earning that kind of money without a strong union advocating for them at the bargaining table?
In January 2013 the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the research arm of the U.S. Dept. of Labor, released a comprehensive report on union membership in the U.S. The shocking news? Only 6.6 percent of the nation’s private sector workers are now represented by unions. Public-sector workers, including police, fire, teachers etc. had a union membership rate of 35.9 percent, more than five times higher than workers in the private-sector.
Most interesting is that people in a union had an average weekly pay check of $943. People not in a union had median weekly earnings of $742. That’s over 25% more if you are in a union. That is reason enough for cops around the country to fight to keep their collective bargaining rights and also do what we can to help our brothers and sisters who are in right to work states get the right to be represented by a union.
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