These cops are not happy
In a recent survey Dallas cops say morale is at its lowest point ever. Ron Pinkston, the Dallas Police Association president, says the results caught even him off guard. According to a survey the DPA commissioned, 80 percent of the nearly 1300 members who responded to the online questionnaire rated the Dallas Police Department’s morale as either “low” or the “lowest it’s ever been.”
“I knew it was low,” Pinkston said. “I didn’t realize it was so devastatingly low.”
A main complaint among several, Pinkston said, concerns the policy related to chasing down suspects on foot. There are several things an officer must consider before she or he starts to chase. According to the policy, they include if the officer is alone, if the suspects outnumber the police and if “the dangers of pursuing in inclement weather, darkness, or reduced visibility conditions” exist.