She’s just an angry lady

New York City Police union leaders Pat Lynch (l) and Ed Mullins (r) say that a federal judge just doesn’t get it.
A federal judge recently opined that body cameras could have prevented the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. It didn’t take long for the New York City Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association and Sergeants Benevolent Association to respond.
SBA President Ed Mullins told reporters with NY1 that Judge Shira Scheindlin is “an angry judge, who probably should begin to think about doing something else in her career.”
PBA President Patrick Lynch says cameras have nothing to do with it.
He called the judge’s remarks a “misunderstanding the use of video cameras” and “this incident in its total.”
As she was being honored by the Bronx Bar Association, Scheindlin told NY1 that both officers and citizens would be less likely to be aggressive if they know they’re being recorded.
Commissioner Bill Bratton plans to equip 60 officers with cameras soon under a pilot program.
For those that aren’t familiar with the political dynamics in New York City between courts and police, Judge Scheindlin is the person that ruled “stop and frisk” was unconstitutional and a violation of the civil rights of New York City residents.