PubSec Alliance Intelligence Briefing
We know that in addition to running associations and fighting for the rights of their members, police association professionals don’t always have time to sit down and read long articles. So from time to time we like to offer our members and supporters brief, facts-at-a-glance so you can stay informed while you’re on the go. Below are the summaries and links to the full articles.
Good luck paying your bills…
Public employees of the bankrupt California City of Stockton are looking at a 60 percent pension cut if a federal judge rejects its reorganization plan according to a city lawyer. Read more.
California governor fights labor influence…
Gov. Jerry “Moon Beam” Brown just vetoed a bill that would have given public employee associations a bigger voice in deciding who serves on the panels that decide who wins in labor-management disputes in Los Angeles city and county government. Read more.
Bait and switch…
A civil service board in New Orleans, Louisiana says cops need a 20 percent raise. But the city’s inspector general says they need the money to fund the pension plans. Read more.
On the radar…
One of the main challenges for police associations is keeping their members from getting themselves fired as the result of some “colorful,” stuff they posted on Facebook. In Miami, Florida a police association leader’s Facebook page in controversial. But is it “protected speech,” under the 1rst Amendment? Read more.