Poll: People Will Pay More for Police
Ed. Note: Many police associations use polling for a number of reasons, including finding out what members are thinking and learning more about the community’s opinion of their police force. Here’s a poll that revealed some powerful information for law enforcement. Maybe a poll in your community would reveal the same thing.
A recent poll of residents in two towns in Canada revealed that residents were willing to pay more in taxes—but only if the funds were used to hire additional police officers.
A telephone survey conducted by Oracle Poll Research last month asked residents a series of questions pertaining to police performance and their concerns.
When it comes to supporting a tax increase, 64% of North Bay residents and 68% of Callander residents said they would pay more if the money was used to hire more officers, increase visibility, or maintain current levels of service.
It’s estimated about 14 cents of every tax dollar collected by the city last year went to policing—more than most other areas that are municipally funded.
Police Chief Paul Cook said the survey is an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the services police provide.
“I’m pleased with the results and the high satisfaction both communities have for our policing service. I’m proud of the work our members do,” he said. “Drugs continues to be the number one concern, as well the importance of maintaining the service’s street crime unit.”