LAPD cop rampage, one year later
The LA Daily News reporter Rebecca Kimitch who takes a look back at LAPD Christopher Dorner’s rampage one year ago. She interviews psychologist Jerry Jacobs, director of the Disaster Mental Health Institute at the University of South Dakota about the impact on officers of a ten day manhunt for one of their own who had vowed to kill as many of his fellow officers and their family members that he could.
In the interview Jacobs advocates that police and first responders be trained in psychological first aid — a new model for mental health in traumatic situations that is also encouraged by the federal government through its National Biodefense Science Board.
Under psychological first aid, entire police forces are given mental health training so that they can rely on one another for support in times of need, Jacobs said. Traditionally, first responders and police are provided group counseling by mental health professionals immediately following a traumatic event. But the effectiveness of this has been questioned in recent years.
“The goal is that everyone understands their reactions in these situations are normal, they are ordinary reactions to extraordinary events. And they turn to one another,” Jacobs said.
This story is pretty interesting. Read the whole piece.
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