It’s All About the Spin
It’s hard to think of two people more polarizing than Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush. Yet the odds are good that one of them will be your next president. So, how does that work?
Enter the public relations industry.
These are the guys and gals that Hollywood actors and actresses pay to lay the media groundwork for an Oscar nomination. They’re the same folks that come up with terms like “death panels” and “race to the top,” to help movers and shakers convince Joe Six Pack to make the correct decision.
There’s no arguing with the results an individual or an organization can get by hiring very expensive public relations help. It’s generally how business gets done in this country.
And that’s why the Los Angeles Police Protective League has gone a new route, in terms of their PR people.
According to the Los Angeles Times: “The decision to bring on Burson-Marsteller, the communications firm, marks the latest in a series of shake-ups for the league, as it has struggled through internal disagreements over the best strategy for extracting a raise from the city and other issues. The union dropped a lobbying firm it had hired to help negotiate a contract and also fired its longtime public relations firm in favor of Burson-Marsteller.”