Whoever said, “A few bad apples can bring the whole place down” knew what they were talking about. Here’s one story that certainly reinforces the that notion. According to The Boston Globe, 20 Massachuetts State Troopers are being investigated for theft of overtime pay. Reporters Mark Arsenault, Travis Andersen, and Shelley Murphy write: “In another black […]
Author Archive: PubSecAlliance
PubSecAlliance is a growing online community of union and association leaders from groups representing sworn personnel in law enforcement agencies in the U.S., Canada and around the world. It is not a formal organization. There is no president or board of directors. Our mission is simply to provide a space for you to communicate with your colleagues about your most pressing concerns, while informing you about the issues that matter to you most.
Real talk vs. B.S.
Like most successful politicians, Chris Christie is a gifted liar. The big man’s shtick is an oldie but goody. You tell voters, “We’re broke!” And then you hand a bunch of your Wall St. buddies the cash that the state allegedly does not have. All of this is done in the name of “fiscal responsibility,” […]
Do cops have right to free speech?
In a decision that clarifies a public employee’s free-speech rights, the Supreme Court in Lane v. Franks has held sworn testimony is entitled to First Amendment protection. This decision may have only a limited effect on employees of a law enforcement agency because, as the law now stands, such testimony must be given outside the […]
Carrot now, stick later
It’s no secret that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and local police associations don’t see eye to eye. But Emanuel has an election coming up so the union-busting former chief of staff for Obama has thrown the boys in blue a bone. Chicago police officers will receive an 11 percent raise over five years should the […]
I’m so outta here
What do you do if you planned on retiring before 55 and the state passes a sweeping “pension reform” law that changes the rules in the middle of the game? You retire – that’s what. In Minnesota, legislators passed a bill that would financially punish public employees that retire before 55. And you’ll never guess […]
Crime’s down so fire cops
Crime is down. It’s way down. Crime rates are so low that you have to go back to the 50’s and early 60’s to find comparable numbers. Last year Chicago had its lowest homicide count since 1968. But while crime is down, the cost of policing is up. This is of course a perfect excuse […]
OIS policy changes
In Dallas, police who fire their weapons in the line of duty will now be sidelined for as long as four weeks. They will also undergo more counseling. Robert Arredondo, president of the Dallas Latino Peace Officers Association, said he likes the idea of cops working from behind a desk for a month after an […]
This lie’s got legs
John Gotti’s got nothing on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as far as teflon is concerned. It’s a full year after “bridge-gate” and Christie hasn’t lost any of his popularity with enemies of union thugs and big government. In fact other politicians looking at Christie’s blame the unions approach to public policy probably now see […]
PBA President will not run
Says she wants to spend more time on police work, less with politicians. Members of the union representing 375 rank-and-file Fort Wayne police officers have narrowly rejected a contract offering a 2% raise. According to Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Sofia Rosales-Scatena, who could not give the exact vote, changes in insurance, compensation time and other […]
VIDEO: No tattoos for these officers
San Antonio police officers sporting tattoos will be required to cover up their body art. Chief William McManus said the department has already begun enforcing its first policy banning visible tattoos for officers in uniform. McManus said it’s an effort to make the department look more professional. “What we want to do is look like […]
Film gets people to put away cell phones
Show this YouTube film to your community. It will get them to stop talking and texting while driving. It’s a growing problem that police in many areas are struggling to stop. The most recent effort is happening in Canada. Responding to the alarming news that over a three year period using a hand-held device and […]
VIDEO: San Jose cops opposed to “retention problem
The “officer retention” program is already drawing fire behind the scenes. Critics say it’s a bad version of an old idea that won’t solve the staffing crisis and may create new problems. Hundreds of San Jose police officers have quit over the city’s pension reform efforts. To stem the tide, the San Jose Police Department, […]
PBA squashes anti-cop mayor
After an intense battle to stop the layoffs of more than 450 police officers in the Miami-Dade County Police Dept., the good news is the good guys won. It wasn’t easy feat. It took a monumental effort that included appearances on talk radio and television – both English and Spanish speaking programs – an all-out […]
Union spokesman is often first one to speak
In Chicago when a big news story occurs related to the police, Pat Camden, the spokesman for the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, is often the first person to talk to the media. In a story from the Chicago Tribune, reporter Eric Zorn explains that for last several years, Camden has served as the primary […]
A job that has to be in your heart
The Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT) turns its focus on this Labor Day to the sacrifice of police officers and their families who often work in stressful conditions facing violence and death every day. CLEAT has written and produced a short film about Officer Jolanda Sanchez, her fallen brother Rocky Riojas, and a […]
Great Speech from 1980
“It is fitting that on Labor Day, we meet beside the waters of New York harbor, with the eyes of Miss Liberty on our gathering and in the words of the poet whose lines are inscribed at her feet, “The air bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Through this “Golden Door,” under the gaze of […]
NYC too dangerous for DNC
The union representing NYPD sergeants warned the Democratic National Committee against holding its 2016 convention in Brooklyn, issuing an open letter that doubled as a broadside against a mayoral administration with which some officers have grown increasingly frustrated. In the letter, addressed to the group Mayor Bill de Blasio wooed during its visit to New […]
Reason Magazine slams police unions
You know how hard you work in negotiations to get your members a decent deal and at least some protection should the crap hit the fan? Well it turns out that makes you the bad guy. If not the cops’ fault- it’s the associations fault. Of all the anti-worker rags out there, especially when it […]
Here are our demands
Pittsburgh officials want city police officers to reduce overtime, pass physical fitness exams and continue living in the city. Tim McNulty, spokesman for Mayor Bill Peduto, would not comment on the 25-point proposal that seeks to change officers’ duty locations based on performance, cut two paid holidays and task supervisors from other agencies with determining […]
Tweet fight is on!
Police labor associations can be kingmakers in Texas politics, electing mayors and now and then, a Tarrant County state senator. At 30, state Rep. Jonathan Stickland of Bedford has taken an unusual political approach to police groups. To him, they’re “union thugs.” In one of the more entertaining Twitter exchanges lately, Stickland took a cyberswing […]
Deal reached in L.A.
Los Angeles officials said they have reached an agreement to resolve a union lawsuit over the pay provided to nearly 1,000 police officers hired since 2010. The settlement with the Los Angeles Police Protective League would end a 2012 lawsuit alleging that department recruits had received erroneous salary information. Stephen Silver, an attorney for the […]
Voters say pensions too “generous”
Asked how to make up the pension shortfall, almost half New Jersey voters say public worker pensions are too high. But they are divided on how to fix the pension’s problem. A Quinnipiac University poll shows 47 percent of voters think public pensions are too high, 9 percent think they fare too low. But only […]
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